Apple power mac g4 specs
Apple power mac g4 specs

apple power mac g4 specs
  1. #Apple power mac g4 specs mac os x
  2. #Apple power mac g4 specs mac os
  3. #Apple power mac g4 specs pro

  • Requires Mac OS 8.6 through OS X 10.4 Tiger, 10.5 Leopard not officially supported.
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  • We do have a report of Yikes! successfully booting into Leopard with a Radeon 9200 PCI video card.

    #Apple power mac g4 specs mac os x

    The Yikes! G4 is absolutely not supported under Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, and it cannot boot into Leopard with its original video card. But if you’re after flat out performance, bypass this model and go for the Sawtooth machines. If you would have been content with a Blue & White G3 at 300-400 MHz, the Yikes! G4 is pretty much the same computer with a better CPU. These are some of the reasons we label it a Compromised Mac.ĭue to G4 CPU supply problems at Motorola, Apple replaced the 400 MHz Yikes! with a 350 MHz model at the same price on 1999.10.13 – perhaps the first time in the industry that a computer has decreased in speed without decreasing in price. Yikes! also cannot boot from USB drives (see USB Info and Benefits of Dual-Channel USB). However, the Yikes! G4 cannot boot from a FireWire drive and does not support FireWire Target Disk Mode. The 1999 G4 Power Macs were the first Macs with bootable USB. The Yikes! version does not have the AGP video card slot or support AirPort.

    apple power mac g4 specs

    The Yikes! machines have a different motherboard with different features than the Sawtooth G4, which is covered on a separate page. Note that there were two different versions of the Power Mac G4. The 400 MHz Yikes! (a.k.a PCI Graphics) offers 0.8-3.2 gigaflops (billion floating point operations per second) performance by government definition in 1999, it was a supercomputer. Designed in graphite gray, silver, and clear plastics, it even looks professional.

    #Apple power mac g4 specs pro

    Offering up to twice the performance of the G3 and three times the power of a Pentium III at the same clock speed, the G4 was Apple’s first serious pro computer after Steve Jobs became iCEO. The Power Mac G4 was the first personal computer classified as munitions and under export restriction because of its power at the time it was introduced. You can help by expanding it.Lla”Wicked fast” is the phrase that best summarizes the breakthrough performance of the G4 CPU. The Power Mac G4 Line by Stephen Hackett at MacStories ().Power Macintosh G4 index at Low End Mac.Introducing the new Power Mac G4 (archived ).↑ Apple tries to get G4 export ban lifted by Terho Uimonen, CNN.↑ The golden gigaflop: Apple’s shrinking performance sweet spot by Pauli Olavi Ojala, The Startup, Medium.When the Titanium PowerBook G4 - the first "portable supercomputer" - was released, no similar sanctions were in place. Mainland Chinese users were able to get their hands on a Power Mac G4 after this limitation was removed. Apple's interim CEO Steve Jobs used the publicity to market the computers elsewhere while lobbying to have the restrictions removed. government deemed the "supercomputer" a "weapon". " Mirrored Drive Doors" (" MDD") - This version incorporated the DDR architecture of the Xserve, but heat and fan noise issues led it to being referred to as the "wind tunnel"įor about a year after its late 1999 debut, the Power Mac G4 could not be marketed in the mainland of the People's Republic of China, as the U.S." Quicksilver" - This version upgraded specs and simplified the case design into a cleaner look." Cube" - This short-lived version reduced the volume in a 7-inch cube and boasted 3.5 gigaflops performance.Updates later added gigabit ethernet, digital audio, and Apple's new rewritable DVD " SuperDrive". " Graphite" - The first "graphite" version came in two variants: an early "Yikes!" PCI-only logic board that was based on the pre-existing "blue & white" Power Mac G3, while a more advanced "Sawtooth" logic board introduced AGP graphics.

    Apple power mac g4 specs